The Nature and Function of the Column of Light for the Imam

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor of the Department of Philosophy and Theology, Theological Research Institute, Imam Sadiq (AS) Islamic Sciences Research Institute, Qom, Iran.

2 Professor of the Department of Rhetoric, Faculty of Hadith Sciences and Education, University of Qur'an and Hadith. Qom. Iran.


Guidance is necessary for leadership and Imamate, and the guides, with divine care and attention, consciously and steadfastly fulfill their role in this position. What is certain is that the necessity of such guidance includes special knowledge and understanding of all aspects of the world and the characteristics of human beings. The title of the column of light is indicative of one of the foundations and methods of the impeccable Imam's knowledge of hidden and unseen matters. Understanding the truth of the column of light and explaining its function and the reasons for using this title by the institution of Imamate are the three main axes of the present study, which has been organized in an analytical method and library approach. The result of the insight into the transferred knowledge in this area is that the column of light is a reality that signifies the relationship of angels with the center of guidance to achieve the issue of the Imam's knowledge to the actions of the servants, and therefore the internal guidance of the believers by the Imam, alongside other forms of guidance. The two issues of the Holy Spirit and challenge (Taḥaddī) also play a complete role in shaping the third side of the triangle, namely the column of light, and in fact, on the one hand, it provides the Imam with the benefit of a pure and sacred spirit and creates the ground for the angels' communication with them, and on the other hand, it provides the spiritual vessel of the Imam as a channel for the spiritual evolution of the believers.


Volume 1, Issue 2 - Serial Number 2
March 2024
Pages 135-168
  • Receive Date: 04 December 2023
  • Accept Date: 11 December 2023
  • First Publish Date: 01 March 2024
  • Publish Date: 01 March 2024