Number of Volumes | 2 |
Number of Issues | 5 |
Number of Articles | 32 |
Number of Contributors | 51 |
Article View | 2,920 |
PDF Download | 2,587 |
View Per Article | 91.25 |
PDF Download Per Article | 80.84 |
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Number of Submissions | 75 |
Rejected Submissions | 25 |
Rejection Rate | 33 |
Accepted Submissions | 32 |
Acceptance Rate | 43 |
Time to Accept (Days) | 38 |
Number of Indexing Databases | 12 |
Number of Reviewers | 70 |
In the Name of Allah
Qāla Abul Ḥasan al-Riḍā (AS): Raḥimallāhu ʻAbdan Aḥyā Amranā; Faqultu lahū: wa Kayfa Yuḥyī Amrakum? Qāla: Yataʻallamu ʻUlūmanā wa Yuʻallimuhannāsa fainnannāsa law ʻAlimū Maḥāsina Kalāminā lattabaʻūnā.
(Ṣadūq, ʻUyūn Akhbār al-Riḍā (AS), vol. 1, p. 307, H. 69)
The academic journal «Hadith Studies and Researches», focuses on Hadith studies and multimedia Hadith studies. It invites scholars and enthusiasts to submit their articles related to Islamic and Hadith studies for publication.
This Journal Only Publishes "scientific - researches" Articles.
Authors are requested to submit both the original file and a similarity report generated by Turning in "Samime noor" format along with an image or PDF, conflict of interest form and commitment letter through the journal's website.
To download the file, click on the titles.
This journal follows the open access policy as stated in its disclaimer, which was implemented on June 20, 2003, and adheres to the Creative Commons Attribution license (CC-BY) and in the field of Digital Archives, follows the policy of ISC. The journal Allows the use of articles by mentioning the source, also allows the authors unlimited copyright.
Journal language: English (with Farsi abstract);
Average initial review: one week;
Average review time of articles: 2 months; each article is sent to at least two referees;
Type of arbitration: anonymous two-sided;
Arbitration fee: 2,000,000 Rials;
Printing cost: 4,000,000 Rials.
Given the necessity of registering an ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) code in the process of submitting an article, if you do not have a code, please refer to the ORCID CODE acquisition guide section.
This publication follows COPE's code of ethics.
It is necessary for the dear authors to translate the articles they send in Farsi language into English after the approval of the referees.
The Cost of translation is the responsibility of the author.
Pages 3-44
Hasan Zarnooshe Farahani; Zeinab Hormozi
Pages 45-80
Mina Sadat Hosseini; Mohsen Khoshfar
Pages 81-110
Mohammad Etratdoost
Pages 111-146
Kazem Ostadi
Pages 147-182
Mahdi Bayat Mokhtari
Pages 183-224
Sayyid Reza Mahdavi; Morteza Iravani Najafi; Hasan Naqizadeh